Indie Dance Electronica pairs upbeat melodies and chord progressions, with big, layered synth riffs and chunky electro drums. There's 893MB worth of 24-bit WAV contentĀ from 98 to116 BPM, with a host of different formats available, and you also get 64 MIDI files, 90 sampler patches and 13 bonus Serum presets. What you essentially have here is 10 track construction kits divided out into separate folders of drums, bass, instrument and synth loops. On the plus side, it gives you some well-layered riffs and theme variations to play with, but on the negative, you only actually have 10 different drum loops in totaL, and things become a little samey. The sounds themselves are a bit of a mixed bag, with some fantastic, fat bass riffs and beautiful arps and keys, alongside more brash and slightly grating leads. Overall though, everything is well written and the sounds are big and upfront.

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