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Diffusion - Ambient SFX Samples

Genre: Ambient

Additional Styles: Cinematic

Diffusion - Ambient SFX Samples from ModeAudio floats gently across a pale blue sky, unfurling gracefully and releasing soothing, cinematic drones, and textures into the surrounding atmosphere.

We've drawn upon our rich history in experimental sound design to produce this deeply inventive, 597 MB collection of royalty-free samples, incorporating many of our favourite techniques and sound sources from analogue feedback looping and spectral and granular synthesis, to field recordings, hardware synths and more.

Featuring earth-shaking basses, scintillating synth sequences, mesmeric tonal drones, scattered noise textures, glitched-out percussive rhythms, and everything in between, this diverse palette of 105 samples offers up all the necessary tools to send your next ambient and cinematic productions drifting up beyond the clouds.

Each sample can be looped endlessly to create extended atmospheric soundscapes, and with sounds ranging from 8 seconds to 52 seconds in length, there's ample room for subtle shifts and sonic evolution throughout your ensuing arrangements.

Bring imaginary landscapes to life with evocative ambience and rustling aural baths of noise and texture - download today and take a deep breath of Diffusion - Ambient SFX Samples!

Any references to any brands on this site/page, including reference to brands and instruments, are provided for description purposes only. For example references to instrument brands are provided to describe the sound of the instrument and/or the instrument used in the sample. Loopmasters do not have (nor do they claim) any association with or endorsement by these brands. Any goodwill attached to those brands rest with the brand owner. Loopmasters or its Suppliers do not accept any liability in relation to the content of the sample or the accuracy of the description.

  • 597 MB
  • 16 Bass & Drone Samples
  • 19 Noise SFX Samples
  • 20 Rhythmic SFX & Percussion Samples
  • 31 Synth Sequence Samples
  • 19 Texture Samples (Feedback & Inharmonic)

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  • ZIP (main)
    what's inside?
    • 597 MB
    • 16 Bass & Drone Samples
    • 19 Noise SFX Samples
    • 20 Rhythmic SFX & Percussion Samples
    • 31 Synth Sequence Samples
    • 19 Texture Samples (Feedback & Inharmonic)
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