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Tech MIDI Phat Pack Vol. 1
63 users

Genre: Techno

Additional Styles: Tech House and Synths

Pure MIDI, the whole MIDI and nothing but MIDI. 5Pin Media unleashes the Phatest Tech MIDI compilation in sample history.

All the music (including bass) MIDI files from Bass Line The Sequel, Techno Bank#1, Deep Future Tech, Minimal Tech Vol1, Bass Line, Prog Tech Synths and Trance Forms Vol1 made available in one SUPER PHAT compilation.

Brimming with no less than 1350 MIDI files in total, across a mix of construction kits and musical elements, ready to bring authentic Tech grooves to your projects.

True to form, all of the included files are clearly named with musical key information for easy browsing and quick selection.

Here are just a few examples of how flexible and versatile MIDI is:

You find the perfect MIDI bassline in the key of Am, but want it in Gm...Easy - just transpose the MIDI down 2 semi-tones and Gm it is. Now you find that some of the notes falling on the kick are too loud...reduce the note velocity and adjust velocity sensitivity on your synth preset to suit. Lastly, some of the bass note tails are overlapping and clashing with the melody.....shorten the offending MIDI notes to sit perfectly with the melody.

5Pin Media - Flexible Creative Professional Sampleware.  

Please Note: Demos are from the full title releases, not all sounds will be included in this product.

Any references to any brands on this site/page, including reference to brands and instruments, are provided for description purposes only. For example references to instrument brands are provided to describe the sound of the instrument and/or the instrument used in the sample. Loopmasters do not have (nor do they claim) any association with or endorsement by these brands. Any goodwill attached to those brands rest with the brand owner. Loopmasters or its Suppliers do not accept any liability in relation to the content of the sample or the accuracy of the description.

  • MIDI Files
  • 519kb
  • Bass Line The Sequel: 358 MIDI Files
  • Techno Bank#1: 105 MIDI Files
  • Deep Future Tech: 100 MIDI Files
  • Minimal Tech Vol1: 101 MIDI Files
  • Prog Tech Synths: 127 MIDI Files
  • Bass Line: 156 MIDI Files
  • Trance Forms Vol1: 290 MIDI Files

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  • MIDI Files ONLY
    what's inside?
    • Bass Line The Sequel: 358 MIDI Files
    • Techno Bank#1: 105 MIDI Files
    • Deep Future Tech: 100 MIDI Files
    • Minimal Tech Vol1: 101 MIDI Files
    • Tribal Tech House: 113 MIDI Files
    • Prog Tech Synths: 127 MIDI Files
    • Bass Line: 156 MIDI Files
    • Trance Forms Vol1: 290 MIDI Files
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